
Showing posts from October, 2021

Affordable Quality Distance Education By India's Largest University

Each issue concentrates on a current theme in economic policy, with a balance between macro- and microeconomics, giving a valuable appraisal of economic policies worldwide. While the analysis is challenging and at the forefront of current thinking, articles are presented in non-technical language to make them readily accessible to all readers (such as government, business and policy-makers, academics and students). It is required reading for those who need to know where research is leading. Essential Programs and Services are defined as the programs and resources that are essential for students to have an equitable opportunity to achieve Maine's Learning Results. The CARES Act requires that at least 90 percent of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund flow to local education agencies, with no more than 10 percent reserved for the state agency, and a fraction of that for administrative costs. The Families First Act temporarily increases the federal match to st...